Province of Manitoba
The forks


The forks is situated where the Assiniboine and red river meets, and it has been a meeting place for at least 6000 years. Today its a nice park with possibiliies for activities. There are often conserts and you will also find a Childrens museum in the park. In the Forks market you can taste local speciallities or just walk around and have a look at all that are on sale there. From the park you can also take a boatride on the rivers. When I visited there were still a lot of water in the rivers, and the pathways along them were flooded. This is some of what I saw on my visit to the forks.

Foot bridge
Flooded river, so only small touristboats could run on the river
Mini meeting
Artfull decorations around the scene
Have a close look at this decorated stone
The forks has been a meeting place for thousands of years, and still are used as such

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