From Mijlet to Hvar

A new day with sailing from Mijlet up to Hvar where we would spend the next night. On the way we passed several smaller and larger cities and had time to stop and jump into the water and enjoyed the temperature there. In Hvar we had a guided tour and were told some of the history of the town.

The city of Hvar has a long and distinguished history as center for trade and culture in the Adriatic. An independent commune within the Venetian Empire during the 13th to 18th centuries, it was an important naval base with a strong fortress above, encircling town walls and protected port. Cultural life thrived as prosperity grew, and Hvar is the site of one of the oldest surviving theatres in Europe, opened in 1612. The seven-century old walls still survive, as do many of the noble houses and public buildings from 15th - 17th centuries. By the 19th century, the port of Hvar was no longer a military base, and The Hygienic Society of Hvar took the economy of the city and the island in a new direction. As one of the earliest "tourist boards" in Europe, it was founded in 1868 with the purpose of providing "good care for visitors". Today, the city has a variety of hotels, galleries, museums, and exhibitions, including the Arsenal, Loggia, the Croatian Institute, and the Hvar Heritage Museum with its art and archaeological collections.

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