Itsukushima Shrine

The present shrine dates from the mid-16th century, and follows the earlier 12th century design. That design was established in 1168, when funds were provided by the warlord Taira no Kiyomori. The Itsukushima Shrine at high tide, when it appears to float on the water The shrine was designed and built on pier-like structures over the bay so that it would appear to be floating on the water, separate from the sacred island, which could be approached by the devout. Near the main shrine is a noh stage which dates from 1590. Noh theater performances have long been used to pay homage to the gods, and ritually act out key events in the mythic history of Shinto belief. The dramatic gate, or torii, of Itsukushima Shrine is one of Japan's most popular tourist attractions, and the most recognizable and celebrated feature of the Itsukushima shrine, and the view of the gate in front of the island's Mount Misen is classified as one of the Three Views of Japan. Although a gate has been in place since 1168, the current gate dates back to 1875. The gate, built of decay-resistant camphor wood, is about 16 metres high; the placement of an additional leg before and behind each main pillar identifies the torii as reflecting the style of Ryobu Shinto, a medieval school of esoteric Japanese Buddhism associated with the Shingon Sect.The torii only appears to be floating at high tide; when the tide is low, it is approachable by foot from the island. It is common practice for visitors to place coins in the cracks of the legs of the gate and make a wish. Gathering shellfish near the gate is also popular at low tide. Many locals add the shellfish they gather to their miso soup. At night, powerful lights on the shore illuminate the torii.

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View from the ferry to the island
It's really tall and beautiful
Small odds and ends on the island
Tall temple
Temptations on the way back to the boat
Caught much here

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