
Ambosita - Ranomafana

The first day was a day for walking in the area. We had a jumpy drive on dusty roads to the starting point and everyone started. It was warm and water was good to have. It was rather hard in the heat and some decided it was enough and walked back. At the end we came to the spot where we could see the village that was the goal in the distance and still some way to walk. Only two, plus the local guide decided to fullfill. Together with 4 others we returned and found that the way back was kind of easier then then other way. The next day included new adventures and the experiences were great.

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  We were out walking most of the day - it was just great   New landscape, home-visit and various  
  30 pix 32 pix 30 pix 26 pix   22 pix 30 pix 25 pix 19 pix  

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