Norge - Noreg - Norway
Sogn og Fjordane
Part two: From Balestrand to Flåm

After the short stop in Balestrand the engines started up again, and we continued further into the fjord. We made some stops and let people on and off the boat. When we reached the entrance of Aurlandsfjorden, we met with the ferry that's crossing the fjord, and exchanged passengers - in the middle of the fjord - and the stop is called the same: Midtfjord. We turned down the exiting Aurlandsfjord to reach the final stop Flåm. Half way down, on of the most splendid fjord - Nærøyfjorden turns to the right. Its narrow and the final destination there is Gudvangen. The road up towards the mountains from there is worth a visit of it self. Then we continued to the end of 'our' fjord and reached Flåm. And now the weather had changed completely - the sun was shining from an almost cloudless sky. The trip up from Flåm sees to be a success.

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Full speed ahead - and we enjoyed the sceneries
Midtfjord - changing passenger
The Fridtjof statue and waterfalls
Facenating entrance to Nærøyfjorden
Facinating sceneries down the fjord
Flåm approacing

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