Norge - Noreg - Norway
Sogn og Fjordane
Part 3: From Flåm to Myrdal - 'Flåmsbana'

Flåm is a popular place for cruiseliners. They may send their customers by train from Bergen and down the Flåmsbana and pick them up here and contunue the trip along the Norwegian coast and fjords. We walked around, had a bite to eat before the train started. The distance betwen Flåm and Myrdal is only 20km, but Flåm station is 2m above the sea, while Myrdal is 867 m above. That make the climb 1:18. You will go through 20 tunnels, and you make a stop at Kjosfossen (waterfall) and all the way along the line you will have fantastic sceneries. All this within 40 min (up) or 53 min (down). In 2002 the number of visitors were over 400.000 for the first time in one year.

Clicking on the picture here will bring you a larger version - to study better.

Waiting cruiseliners 'our' boat local boats
Train is ready, an up there are we going We have started the journey
As the track twist up the mountainside - we can enjoy the sceneries
Kjosfossen and steep narrow roads
We are almost at Myrdal - and here its still winter, so you may put on your skies if you like

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