Norge - Norway - Noreg
Svalbard - Norskøya & Moffen

Norskøya was the toughest walk where we climbed up the ridge and walked all over. But the view we got from the top over the area was great, and the trip as a whole was great. The birds were angry at us, and did not hesitate to attac when they had a chance. After the visit we sailed to Moffen and crossed the 80th parallell on the way. We had were quite far from the island, but were able to watch the colony of whalerus'es resting on the shore, and we met a nice dutch sailingboat.

Click on the small pictures to view a larger version, which often view more than the small one

Ready to climb Seal Climbing
We have reached the top and can enjoy the great view from the top
Nice view Flowers River Old graves Goose
The birds did not like that we were walking in their terretory

Whalerus Nice sailer Moffen

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