Peru - Cuzco district
From Puno to Cuzco
Driving towards the tallest point on the road

We were heading towards the next goal - the highest spot on the road, impressive 4335 meters high up. The landscape was without any trees, probably because of the hight and cold winters, but it was interesting to look how changing it was. We were following the railroadline where it is possible to take a luxurious train on the top of Peru. I took this trip on both visits, so there are pictures from both times here.

The weather was good while we driving along, getting higher and higher
There were not much growing, maybe one of the reasons was that it was comming towards autumn
The view from the 'top of the road' - 4335 m above the sealevel
Colourful market at the tallest spot, now as also on the first visit
Cute girl with her alpaca on the top
Then we contiuned towards next stop

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