Moyabamba region

Waqanki Center

The Waqanki Center consists of a primary and secondary cloud forest and grazing land that is presently in the slow process of being reforested, 2 ha botanic garden of tropical plants and two small lodges. At an elevation of about 900 m (2950 ft) and about 3 km (2 min.) from Moyobamba, the property has an area of about 100 hectares, topography exceeding 900 m and a highest point of 1300 m. The area receives precipitation from winds of the lower Amazon and fog of the mountains all over the year.

Because the system of trails requires sustained maintenance to clear branch and tree falls, epiphytic orchids are frequently brought down to eye level. Jose Altamirano conceived the idea of relocating these plants to make them more accessible to the visitors of the Center. The orchids generally have survived, produce new growths, usually blossom and often are pollinated. Jose himself grows orchids and maintains the beautiful, in the forest incorporated, orchid garden. The collection of orchids at the Center (see the list below) is diverse and reflects a large numer of species, from very large species, such as Maxillaria to very tiny. The collection is all in all quite representative..

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We enjoyed the center - here are two pages with pictures. Hope you will enjoy

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