Corregidor Island

This island is situated at the entrance to the bay of Manila, and during all times has it been a strategic place of defence. Before WW2 a heavy arnament were installed, and when the japanese invaded the Manila area, it took them almost 6 months to concor the island. The legendary american general McArthur held the japanese occupied until he had to give up. His famous word was "I will return" - and he did, after the japanese had commited suiside by blowing up the huge tunnel with themselves inside.

Today its an well organized trip to the island where you are told the story of the island. It's also possible to stay over if you like that. Its a popular trip out there on a comfortable boat, and a well spent day.

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Interesting stops along the roundtrip
The war memorial
Malinta tunnel
Huge buildings on the island
Big and heavy canons

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