Peru - Arequipa
Santa Catalina convent

Less than 40 years after the arrival of the spanards in Arequipa the church founded the Santa Catalina de Siena convent in 1579. Here daughters of rich people came to live for the rest of their lives. In the beginning they had their own apartment and servants to make the life easier, and they were occupied with various work. They were never alloved to leave the convent, not even when they died. They were buried within the walls of the convent, and their family were not allowed to come for the funeral. Later they reorganized, and the apartments were changed for larger sleeping rooms. The convent was closed for public until August 15, 1970. The convent have been hit by earthquakes but today is very nicely restored. Take a walk around and see how they were living in there for ages.

Orginal painting Open space
All over the convent you will find lots of different paintings
Colourful areas and nice paintings
Private cells for those who lived there Last rest
Intersting to walk around and look around

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